Showing all posts tagged derechos-humanos-fundamento-renuncia-al-fundamento:

Derechos humanos en general > Fundamento > Renuncia al fundamento

RESUMEN:Una convicción extendida entre los relativistas es la causa común frente a la civilización europea, e implícitamente al cristianismo: «For this was also the time when Europe sought to fulfil its ‘civilising mission’ by the application of a European truth onto the (presumed) blank slate of the world». No hay que mirar tanto al pasado -dice Chesterman- para justificar los derechos humanos...

Derechos humanos en general > Fundamento > Renuncia al fundamento

RESUMEN:El relativismo de la postmodernidad es incapaz de fundamentar racionalmente los derechos humanos. Así lo reconoce uno de los más destacados teóricos relativistas de los derechos humanos: Simon ChestermannTEXTUAL:On one view, the ends of modernity in securing universal recognition of norms born of the European Enlightenment have been subverted by the end of modernity and the concomitant ...

Derechos humanos en general > Fundamento > Renuncia al fundamento

RESUMEN:It cannot be said that while natural law was at its most credible that human rights were more respected than they are nowCOMENTARIO:«It cannot be said that while natural law was at its most credible that human rights were more respected than they are now»(...) Hablando de Bobbio, dice: «This leads him [BOBBIO] to state that the fundamental problem of human rights ‘is not so much how to...

Derechos humanos en general > Fundamento > Renuncia al fundamento

RESUMEN:Se critica duramente la pretensión del iusnaturalismo clásico de fundamental los derechos humanos en la naturaleza. Se considera una especie de imperialismo cultural de Occidente.TEXTUAL:The idea that there exists a constant and discernible human nature would, if proved, provide the strongest foundation for truly ‘universal’ human rights.16 Not surprisingly, this has also proved to be o...

Derechos humanos en general > Fundamento > Renuncia al fundamento

RESUMEN:A partir de Bobbio se ha extendido la idea de que los derechos humanos sólo pueden justificarse por un consenso entre los propios sujetos de los derechos humanos.TEXTUAL:In this article, I seek to open up the question of the foundation of human rights by reference not to their philosophical origins but their political function. (...). Recoge la idea de Bobbio: and the idea that rights a...