Se critica duramente la pretensión del iusnaturalismo clásico de fundamental los derechos humanos en la naturaleza. Se considera una especie de imperialismo cultural de Occidente.

The idea that there exists a constant and discernible human nature would, if proved, provide the strongest foundation for truly ‘universal’ human rights.16 Not surprisingly, this has also proved to be one of the major stumbling blocks to the development of human rights standards, notably in response to perceived Western ‘cultural imperialism’.17

CHESTERMAN, Simon: Human Rights as Subjectivity: The Age of Rights and the Politics of Culture, Ed., 1998 I The Age of Rights: Bobbio and the Search for Foundations

CHESTERMAN, Simon: Human Rights as Subjectivity: The Age of Rights and the Politics of Culture Ed. , , 1998

CLAVES: Derechos humanos en general > Fundamento > Renuncia al fundamento