Rawls también se refiere al valor en los mismos términos que Finnis: John Rawls, cuando escribe: «something´s being good is its having the properties that it is RATIONAL TO want in things of its kind (?) the criteria of evaluation differ form one kind of thing to another. Since we want things for different purposes, it is obviously rational to assess them by different features». Theory of Justice, pp. 405-6 (énfasis de Finnis, cit. en NLNR).

FINNIS, John: Natural Law and Natural Rights (Libro) , , Ed.Oxford University Press, 1996 Oxford, New York p. 81

FINNIS, John: Natural Law and Natural Rights Ed. Oxford University Press, Oxford, New York, 1996 (1980)

CLAVES: Bienes humanos > Según los neoclásicos > Terimnología: principios o valores